A while loop is another important concept in Python that helps you in executing a block of code multiple times until a certain condition is met. Imagine you are watching your favorite show, and you continue watching episodes as long as your internet connection is stable. The moment your internet disconnects, you stop watching. Similarly, a while loop runs repeatedly as long as a condition remains True
and stops when the condition becomes False
In this blog post, I will introduce you to the while loops in Python, their syntax, working, and practical examples.

Table of Contents
What is a While Loop?
A while loop is used when the number of iterations is not known in advance but depends on a condition. A while
loop keeps going as long as a certain condition is true, instead of going through a specific list of items like a for
while condition:
# Code block to execute
PythonHow Does While Loop Work?
- The loop starts with the
keyword, followed by a condition that evaluates toTrue
. - The condition is an expression that check the condition of the loop before running the code. If the condition is
, the code block is executed. If the condition isFalse
, the code block is skipped. - After executing the code inside the loop, the program goes back to check the condition again.
If it still remainsTrue
, the code block is executed once more, and this process repeats until the condition becomesFalse
For example:
count = 0 # Initialize a variable
while count < 5: # Condition to check
print(count) # Code block to execute
count += 1 # Update the variable
# Output: 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
Python- Before using a while loop, we usually initialize a variable that we will use in the condition. In this case
count = 0
. - Then The loop checks the condition if
count < 5
. Since0 < 5
, it enters the loop. - And execute the indented code block inside the loop and print the value of
which is0
. Then increasescount
, so now thecount
. - Then the loop goes back to check the condition again. Now it checks if
1 < 5
, which is stillTrue
, so it prints1
and increasescount
. This process continues untilcount
. - And when
, the condition5 < 5
, so the loop stops. and the immediately after the loop will executed.
Example 2:
correct_password = "python123"
user_input = ""
while user_input != correct_password:
user_input = input("Enter password: ")
print("Access Granted!")
PythonThis loop will keep asking for the password until the user enters "python123"
The Infinite Loop Problem
What will happen if you don’t update the variable value? If you forget to change the condition inside the while loop, you might create an infinite loop that never stops running! This happen because the condition is always True
and it never becomes False
number = 1
while number <= 5:
print(number) # Forgot to update the number!
PythonTo avoid infinite loops:
- Make sure that the loop condition will always evaluate to false.
- Always update the variables within the loop that control the loop condition.
- You can use break statement if necessary. (We will learn about it later)
- If you are not sure whether a loop will terminate, you can set a maximum number of iterations.
- If you stuck in infinite loop, you can use
Ctrl + C
to stop and exit form the program.
In this blog, we explored the while loop, its syntax, and how it works in Python. We covered practical examples and discussed common mistakes like infinite loops. While loops are very useful for situations where you don’t know how many times the loop should run.
Next, you will learn about nested loops and jump statements, which further enhance the control flow in Python programs.