Errors in Python

Errors in Python

Ever had your code unexpectedly stop with cryptic error messages? You’re not alone. This happens to every developer, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Errors are not the enemy, they are like those strict teachers who seem tough but ultimately teach…

Input and Type casting in Python

Input and Type casting in Python

Python is a powerful and beginner-friendly programming language. If you are just starting out, you might have come across the terms input and type casting. These concepts are fundamental to making your programs interactive and functional. In this blog, we will learn how…

Variables in Python

Python Variable

Variables are very important because they let you store and organize information. Without variables, you would have to remember every piece of information manually, which would be very difficult. By using variables, you can: What is Variable? Variable is just…

Data Types

Data Types

When we write programs in Python we need to work with different types of values like numbers, text, or booleans. Python provides us various data types to handle these kinds of data so what are data types?Data type is a…

Tokens in Python


In Python, a token is the smallest part of a program that the computer can understand. From a single dot to thousands of lines of code, everything is a token. Keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, and punctuators, these tokens are the…